About Us
The HydroFarm is a start up hydroponic and poultry egg farm. We aim to bring locally grown, non GMO, pesticide free produce and eggs to our community year round. Although we specialize in herbs and microgreens, we have a large variety of produce available. We also provide seasonal flowers and firewood for your outdoor entertaining! If you are looking for something you just can't find let us know!!
The HydroFarm offers consulting, design and creation of personal hydroponic systems.

Low Impact / Eco Friendly
Recirculating water means 90% less water usage than a traditional farm
Aiming to produce year round, local produce, using a compost heat system
Non GMO, Pesticide and Herbicide Free
No risk of soil born diseases
Creating ideal growing conditions -- more plant varieties and much longer growing seasons
Differences between Organic and Hydroponic Growing

Order Online

(443) 987-6040
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@ facebook.com/thehydrofarm